Sarah Frederickson

Archive for April 21st, 2010|Daily archive page

UNH Peep Show

In 1 on April 21, 2010 at 12:16 am

Getting creative with food…without eating it!

UNH Health Services recently organized a contest ( for Peep dioramas.  Individuals or groups of people got together and gathered supplies to create a diorama that they believed depicted living healthy.  Each diorama had to incorporate Peeps.  All dioramas have been submitted and will be shown at a diorama display (Peep Show!) this week.  At the Peep Show, each project will be judged by an approved panel of judges – the best one wins a $150 gift card!

I got together with a couple of my fellow nutrition friends to create a Peep masterpiece!  Our idea depicts Peeps on a playground.  There are two Peeps on a see-saw; one is holding an ice cream and a cookie and the other holds a variety of fruits and vegetables to show a balance between treating yourself and incorporating more healthy choices.  Another Peep is on a swing protecting himself from harmful rays with sunglasses.  The last Peep is exercising by jumping rope.  This diorama highlights the importance of physical activity, UV protection, socializing, eating right but also treating yourself, and enjoying the outdoors.  These things all contribute to good health and wellness.  For other cool ideas, take a look at the Washington Post Peep Gallery! (